Place Your Hands / Reef




Oh place your hands, on my hope,

Run your fingers through my soul,

And the way that I feel right now,

Oh lord, it may go.

So place your hands, on my hope,

Run your fingers through my soul,

And the way that we feel right now,

Oh lord, it may go.

Put your hands on, put your hands on. (x4)

You know you cannot hide, from what's inside,

You know you cannot hide, from what's inside.

So I ask of you to help me through,

I ask of you this thing to do.

Put your hands on, put your hands on. (x2)

So lay me down, for a while,

Join my body with my mind,

And I cried at the common one,

For weeks after he died.

Put your hands on, put your hands on. (x4)

And the way that we feel right now,

Oh lord it may go.

「put one's hand(s) on ...」をリーダーズ英和辞典でひいてみたら、「...のありかを見つける」といあった。イメージとしては必死で探すというのではなくて、こう、探しているものはもともとそこにあって、手を伸ばしたら「あっ、見つかった!」というようなイメージかなあと思ったのだけれど、コウビルド英英辞典によると、

If you get your hands on something or lay your hands on something, you manage to find it or obtain it, usually after some difficulty.



It may be the time let me go.
